We are hoping to Ice Skate in all 50 States by 2026. We are traveling in our Ice Sk8 Mobile RV. Utah is our 11th State. Along the way the internal console Generator switch began to fail. We tried to find this very precise momentary reverse polarity rocker on-off-on mini switch for our 2003 Fleetwood. No luck for 5 states. Then we began to hear about Birdies Power Equipment once in Salt Lake City. After skating at the Utah Olympic Oval arena, we traveled to Springville where Birdies had the exact matching part, and once put into place it worked! We could start then stop the Generator from inside the coach without going into the freezing cold outside.
The corrosion in the console was so widespread it infected the main on/off terminal for the auxiliary power switch also. Josh Bird was instrumental in digging up the exact size fittings for the switch wiring harness. When a company pays such attention to small detail, We would like to have them do our Solar Panels on the Roof next Spring when we return. We highly recommend this Family first Small Business and wish them every success...
All the best - Team RAMMAR